Haval Jolion Pro
Personal Leasing
Haval Jolion Pro on Personal Leasing
Haval Jolion Pro Premium Hybrid model in Hamilton White
Monthly Rental | £349 |
Initial Rental | £3,141 |
Annual Mileage | 6k per annuum |
Hire Term | 48 months |
Excess mileage charge | 8.3 ppm |
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Test Drive the Haval Jolion Pro
Terms and Condtions
This offer is only available through GWM UK Leasing, a trading style of Lex Autolease Ltd, Heathside Park, Heathside Park Road, Stockport SK3 0RB.
Contract Hire is subject to status. Excess mileage charges and return conditions apply. You will not own the vehicle.
Vehicle shown is an Haval Jolion Pro Premium Hybrid, OTR price of £23,995.
Offers may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Offer available for vehicles registered no later than 31st March 2025.
Finance products are for illustration purposes only.
DISCLAIMER: This product information is general only and does not reflect any advice by GWM UK Finance. This is not a recommendation on whether finance is required or which finance product is best for an individual customer. All customers should obtain their own taxation and finance advice before proceeding with finance.
I.M. Nev Motor Distributors (UK) Limited is an appointed representative of ITC Compliance Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (their registration number is 313486). Permitted activities include advising on and arranging general insurance contracts and acting as a credit broker not a lender.